Informational Concept Project with Mobile App
Articulate Storyline
Adobe Creative Suite
Appy Pie
All Ages
Mobile App-2021
Mobile App Screenshots
                 Mobile App Storyboards
This mobile application was created for the Texas A&M Galveston Sea Camp in conjunction with their Camp Program Coordinator, Lorena Elsor, as a graduate level project. It is an eco-friendly initiative to encourage responsible beach-going habits, as well as familiarizing users with the natural flora and fauna of Texas beaches. The app allows users to take something from the beach without leaving a human trace. Users will be encouraged to take nothing but a picture and reduce the human impact of taking shells and organic materials that eventually damages the shoreline. Although created for the Texas A&M Galveston Sea Camp, it could be a supplemental tool for marine biology or aquatic science classes in schools or universities.
I created the Storyline training module as a follow-up project this year with the idea that mobile apps would be great for either pre-training or a take-away from training. Having the training at your fingertips to update your team, or in this case, help identify native species would be an added bonus to any training. Providing training with a sister-app is a tool I hope to provide in my role as an instructional designer. 
I used the Backwards Design Model of instructional design to create the Storyline learning module. This theory has designers identify the desired results before planning instruction. The desired goal of the learning module was to familiarize students with the mobile application before going out into the "field" to explore. The training accomplishes this by presenting and assessing safety content first, and then introducing the mobile applications features and content. ​​​​​​​
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